Cous cous, spinach, tuna, prawns, shellfish, olives, tomatoes, sn dried tomatoes, avocado, salad, and god loads of cashews, I won't be specific but I also love nice fruit - we are talking summer here- ok so Ben and Jerry's Cookie Dough, Fishies, and anything that is essentially double chocolate!!!
favourite dieting food - cereal- actually cornflakes with muesli on top and no sugar!!!
Tuna is good April xlol
Is Tuna an acronym or something??? - It keeps coming up!!!
sounds like my diet just add booze kebabs and pizza lol xxxx
April-Mae Juin said: Is Tuna an acronym or something??? - It keeps coming up!!!
If I ate it, it certainly would keep coming up. Can't stand the stuff.
This post was edited by Pauline Smith at May 8, 2012 3:48 PM BST
lol was waiting for someone to come up with that retort thank you lovely - heheheh

My kind of diet eating chocolate. Nowt else seems to work!
Tuna is popular with the Quiz Event to its efficacy as a dieting product I could not comment....similarly for fishing that preserves stocks. P xxx
MMMMMmmmmmmmmmm Chocolate my big weakness, Love Curry too
Thanks for the suggestion Pauline xx
for dieting honest if you want to loose weight don't eat between meals, eat with a knife and fork (takes longer) and once you're full stop.
You'll surprised how this all helps.
I lost 3 1/2 stones in 6 months doing essentially this.
i am lucky, i can eat anything and not put any weight on, but do stay active all day, at the moment i am approx 68-70 kgs [11st ]. and that is the way i intend to stay. love collette XXX.
because I work nights I used to take sandwiches to work, I switched over to crackers with a paste spread on them and a yoghurt as well as cycling to work, lost loads of weight that way and can still eat chocolate