March 12, 2012 4:17 PM GMT
for years i have been asked by ladys about the use of toys and how big they can use with out doing them self harm and the best lube to use. i have for a long time used rape-seed oil as lube because the skin does not soke up the oil like if does water based lubes and a little bit of oil goes a long way. if you goto asda or tescos you can buy a litre for £1.60/£2.00 and this will last for a very long time. it does not rot comdoms and it helps to with cleaning your toys afterward. i allso use it as it helps when placing your fingers/hand in side of a lady as it makes the skin slid. so ladys next time you are in tescos or asdas by a cucumber and some rape-seed oil with a kinky little smile on your face and save lots of