March 9, 2012 2:49 PM GMT
This is my 2nd post on this subject - last time the site crashed !!!! must be me.
I have a son who chose to be a veggie when he was 4, and still is almost 20 years later. Two of the worlds great cuisines - Indian and Italian - are basically vegetarian, one is spicy the other focuses on fresh ingredients.
Pizza Margherita is easy to make yourself, without all the salt and crud from a frozen one or a take away one...and you can make it in 15 minutes from scratch !!! It is of course much better in Napoli.......
And for Nicky there is Pizza Napoli restaurant in melbourne
Pauline xxx
This post was edited by Pauline Smith at March 9, 2012 2:50 PM GMT
March 9, 2012 9:43 PM GMT
Murder is murder. I'm not sure killing an non-human animal is murder.
I do like a rare steak and french fries - I'd be quite happy to just each an amputated lambs leg too - then it wouldn't be murder would it? I've seen three legged dogs and stuff survive and have great life.
OK the last comment was sick I know - but boy it would taste good with some mint sauce, gravy and garlic mash.
March 9, 2012 9:56 PM GMT
Maybe pommes dauphinoise with the gigot? and wait for Easter....
Pauline xxx
PS I am not a vegetarian, just enjoy food
March 9, 2012 10:44 PM GMT
I plucked my own pheasants this season - the feathers would make a great head dress!
March 10, 2012 6:06 AM GMT
Marianne ; So you are the Pheasent Plucker , but not the Pheasent Pluckers son, your only Plucking Pheasents till the Pheasent Plucker comes. Sorry i couldent resist lol

try say that when ur Brahms & list!!!
March 10, 2012 9:57 AM GMT
Personally, I love plucking peasants. So pleasant to pluck and be plucked by a peasant and his pretty pheasant ...
The neighbours tend to complain though ...
What the Phuck ???
March 23, 2012 9:01 AM GMT
if god didnt want us to eat animals why make them out of meat lol and they taste so yummy
plus to quote the simpsons conga
you dont make friends with salad (altogether now ) you dont make friends with salad
ok i will get my coat xxxlol
I am omniverous
As an active consevationist ( land and aquatic ) i have big problems with this , i am a carnivore i do eat meat and i do like it ! yet i fight for Animal rights , it sounds awfully hypocritical but my feeling are that as long as the animal has been treat well and has a good quality of life up till the time that it is slaughtered and the slaughter is carried out with a modicum of care and the Animal does,nt suffer a long drawn out death , i cannot argue it , i have been to see a slaughter and it affected me for weeks , i could,nt stop crying and i had nightmares , but i dont think that you can fight something or speak with authority about it if you hav,nt had the experience , i am in full support of vegetarians and i feel that they have a just and fair case , and they are doing something to support their cause , at the end of the day its about choice .
Mixto, like a mix, i personaly am a meat eater, for things ok, i know all about jewish arabic kill the wee beasts, one thing i cant get my head round!!!!!!! their both the same.i could go a lot further, but why bother, and before any one bothers, i aint in anyway bothered about colour religion, all what seems to be the normal shit that upsets !!!!people!!! yer right, hehe bacon buttie, or as we say down here, lomo bocadillo.
xxxxx enjoy your buttie
June 5, 2012 11:47 PM BST
I'm not a carnivore I'm an omnivore (from Latin: omni, meaning "all, everything"; vorare, "to devour"

I eat all.
Plants are living things too but we are all happy to kill and eat them! I killed and ate a lettuce the other day even though I had raised it from a seed. I find it easy to eat another life form it is how the world works one day if I am not cremated other life forms will eat me then something will eat them perhaps a plant that will be eaten by a rabbit that might be eaten by a human that is the way nature works. So if you want to call meat murder so is mashed potato.
In the 70s I would go with my brother to catch rabbits I always thought it was good coming home with free meat for dinner but I always felt a bit sad for the rabbit. But I have always thought it better to kill a wild Rabbit that has had a good life in the wild than a chicken that had lived in a cramped shed. All the rabbits had a chance to get away but the chickens don't. I used to like sea fishing with my granddad in his boat for dinner I love Mackerel mmm I only caught the Mackerel because it thought the KitKat foil on my hook was a fish and it wanted to eat it.
I think modern society has separated us from the death of the animals we eat and to many people take meat for granted and do not appreciate it as much as I think they they should after all an animal has died so they can eat. Well done to Jet for going to see an animal slaughtered I think all of us omnivores that do not kill our own food should follow Jets example and see how we get the meat we eat at least once. I also believe we should not hide it from our children where there chicken dinosaurs come from or the beef in there happy meal burger comes from. I grew up in the country side into a family where money was tight so catching and growing as much of our own food as we could was normal to me and I think it is why I don't take meat for granted but I would not call meat murder I call it apreciated.
This post was edited by Alex Wetton at June 5, 2012 11:50 PM BST
I once read that to save endangered species like the Giant Panda was to put them on the menu... I shudder at the very though of a Panda steak or a McPanda happy meal... but the argument was, if demand was created then some farmer would get the buggers to breed instead of 'scientists' trying to coax them to 'get it on'... basically the thought was that if we stopped eating pork products there would be no demand for pigs, so no farmer would breed them, resulting in a dramatic decline in pig numbers and we'd only see them occasionally in a zoo, same with any breed of animal....
I certainly am NOT suggesting we start serving Panda with a side salad but I thought they had a point....
here's an interesting link →
a good read, and some of the comments below it are though provoking.... anyway, I'm off for a Bacon Sandwich, with brown sauce of course.... lol
If meat is murder, we kill animals for food as the arguement goes, then aren't vegetarians doing exactly the same in respect of killing vegetables? I say that not in a silly sense as some would call it, but in a realistic sense - ergo life is being extinguished to sustain another. You hear all about how people like to know if the animal was killed humanely, so in all honesty, when was the last time you saw a gazelle etc killed humanely by a lion, tiger, cheetah etc and do you think it would treat a human any different? I personally don't think Panda would be a great restaurant filler on the menu but if a species has no desire to mate, then in the real world it would die out. The problem we humans have with this planet is we think we are ominpitent (all mighty) but as we see every year mother nature knocks on our doors to remind us of who really is in charge. Meat is not murder, yes we can survive on different foods and I am not trying to tell people otherwise, but for those who choose not to eat meat, that's your choice, leave those who like to eat meat and like those who choose to smoke alone and just get on with your own lives.
This post was edited by Cat X at June 6, 2012 5:14 PM BST
June 15, 2012 3:43 AM BST
I've gotten pretty hard core about ethical meat. One one hand, from an energetic and spiritual perspective, vegetarianism is great. On the other, our human evolution was only possible because of meat. After thinking about it for a few days, I realized that our hunter-gatherer ancestors were part of the cycle and didn't buy their meat anonymously at a store, so I make a point now of only eating ethically raised meat. That effectively makes me a 2/3 vegetarian.