November 26, 2011 9:58 PM GMT
Hiya, I'm new to the forum so I thought I'd just writee a hello. I've been crossdressing for about a year now, already thrown out some lovely clothes in the hope of fixing myself....I have since re-bought clothes and boots. I'm not looking for any pressure to 'come out to' partners, family ect, I'm happy with the way it is, for now.
November 27, 2011 7:50 PM GMT
I only accepted myself just over 3 years ago, was in denial for many years. Still in the closet, and won't be coming out any time soon unfortunately.
happy to chat sometime if you want
Suzy xxx
March 16, 2018 7:01 AM GMT
Hi Suzy I'm in the closet too i hope we can chat about still being in the closet i find so hard keeping it a secret x love Rozalyne x