August 29, 2023 9:39 AM BST
After another night of intermittent sleep in my silk nightdress, awash with erotic dreams, I have awoken to discover what a joy it is to be here. Lazing around in my nightdress and negligee, deciding what lingerie and dress to wear, whatever I decide to slip into after my bath, it is bound to be conducive to my time spent here. As a trans-woman writer, for as long as I can remember, I have been bewitched by an overwhelming penchant for silk lingerie, nylon stockings, exquisite dresses and a classic high heel. Trans-womanhood has, for me, been a lifelong voyage of cerebral, emotional, spiritual and sexual awakening. I like sharing how my trans-odyssey has enhanced my life and would love to hear how it has enriched yours.
This post was edited by Francine Scott at August 29, 2023 9:45 AM BST