December 16, 2022 11:02 PM GMT
Pansexual Hedonist Explorer Bi WM
Having a real identity crisis, keep looking at pretty gurls and instead of giving me hope they make me feel ugly and I cry and cry. Came out as trans to my gay boyfriend today, so far he’s been very cool. Like the new smooth me 😉. So many life challenges to restart transitioning after too many years of trying to be someone I could never be.
December 17, 2022 9:40 AM GMT
Keep looking in the mirror and you will see a beautiful girl staring back at you. I would like to think I understand your crisis but you you have no reason to feel anything but good with yourself, you are gorgeous. You can be anything and everything you want to be. Having the help and understanding from a loving partner you are well on your way to getting there.
This post was edited by Johanna Nairn at December 17, 2022 9:42 AM GMT
December 22, 2022 10:42 PM GMT
you are very beautiful i wouldnt mind seeing you believe in yourself you are lucky to have someone who cares and loves you very much and supports you you make a beautiful woman and i think you have found who you really are just have confidence in yourself and be yourself and you will be happy