March 18, 2019 7:12 PM GMT
One needs to read the link, I can't be arsed to apply for the rights to re-publish the article.
Firstly they need to be familiar with other posts I have made on inherited conditions, just because a person is born with a visible sex distinction, (genitalia) from which a determination of birth registration is made (sex @ birth) in the case of trangendered people this can be misleading. One has only to be familiar with conditions, for instance
Klinefelter's syndrome, 47, XXY, or XXY syndrome is a condition in which human males have an extra X chromosome.
Reifenstein's Syndrome, Most forms of AIS involve a variable degree of undervirilization and/or infertility in XY persons of any gender. A person with complete androgen insensitivity syndrome (CAIS) has a female external appearance despite a 46XY karyotype and undescended testes, a condition once called "testicular feminization" a phrase now considered both derogatory and inaccurate. Since 1990, major scientific advances have greatly expanded medical understanding and management of the molecular mechanisms of the clinical features of AIS.
CNS Brain male feminisation, The medial posterior region of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BSTMP) and the locus coeruleus (LC) show opposite patterns of sexual dimorphism. The BSTMP in males is greater in volume and number of neurons than in females (male N female) while in the LC, the opposite is true (female N male). To investigate the possible role of the androgen receptor (AR) in the masculinization of these two structures, males with the testicular feminization mutation (Tfm) were compared to their control littermate males. No differences were seen in the number of neurons of the BSTMP between Tfm and their control littermate males, while in the LC, Tfm males have a greater number of neurons than their control littermate males. These results show that the AR is involved in the control of neuron number in the LC but not in the BSTMP. Results based on the LC suggest that when females have a larger brain area than males, masculinization in males may be achieved through the AR, with androgens perhaps decreasing cell survival.
Sex differences in the mammalian brain have two main characteristics: they often occur in neural circuits related
to reproductive physiology and behaviour and they are seen in two opposite morphological patterns In one
pattern, males have greater volumes and/or number of neurons than females (male N female), while in the other, the opposite is true (female N male) Existing evidence suggest that gonadal androgens are involved in the development of sex differences in structures that are larger in males than in females.
New born babies rarely have DNA or chromosome tests for mutant genes unless there are obvious visible defects, this also applies to brain scans, so how can people make judgements as to the legal recognition and acceptance of people who were incorrectly labelled at birth who later decide they are the wrong gender.
This post was edited by Cristine Jennifer Shye. BL. B/acc at March 28, 2020 2:14 PM GMT