December 24, 2017 7:17 PM GMT
So, what are you doing over the Christmas period? I'm staying home with family this year and we'll try to do all the traditional stuff like Turkey and all the trimmings, Christmas Pud, silly paper hats, Crimbo Crackers with awful jokes inside, the Alternative Christmas Message at 2.30pm on Channel Four, Slade and Mariah Carey, a few glasses of Baileys and then I'll probably fall asleep while watching an old Morcombe and Wise Christmas Special.
Those are my plans and I know I am very lucky to have some family still left to spend my Christmas with. From next year onwards though, I am going to try to get out on Crimbo day, perhaps to help homeless and old people's charities in some way. I think it's time to put something back.
And no, that's not me in the picture below (I wish it was)! However, that's how I'd like to be dressed just before I come down the chimney.
But what are you doing this year? How will you be spending the festive season? Got any ideas for the rest of us? Do tell...
Crimbo hugs,
This post was edited by Katie Glover
at December 24, 2017 7:18 PM GMT
December 24, 2017 7:20 PM GMT
Well, as I've posted earlier, I'll be on my own for Xmas. I'll probably just ramp up the Christmas tunes and, sing along to them like an idiot, just to annoy my neighbours lol.