Hi everyone from Griffy

  • August 4, 2011 12:36 AM BST
    Hi everyone

    I'm Griffy. Now in real life, I've been an admirer all my life but I started playing the game of Second Life, in an avatar that looked just like the RL me a couple of years ago.

    Well - I flirted with a little domination and ended up being feminised. The domination was a bust as I found out I really am not a sub lol. But the feminisation stuck. It uncovered something in me I'd buried deep at about 16. I dressed then, with a school chum. She made a pretty girl, I didn't and, in disappointment, I put that side of me away and just spent my life with girls that COULD do it well. In Second Life, I can be cute. But of course, it's spilled over and now I'm dabbling with makeup, losing weight and thinking of how best to try getting more femme in real life.

    In Second Life, I run, with friends, a dance club called St Tease. It's a Lesbian and Shemale (I know, that word is hardly PC in a transgendered community in real life but it's commonplace in Second Life) dance club and UK based so runs at UK hours unlike most of Second Life.

    If you play in Second Life, come along and say hi.

    We are here: http://preview.tinyurl.com/3z8nleu

    And this is me (in SL that is, it'll be a while before the RL me goes on show lol).

    This post was edited by Catherine Burton at August 4, 2011 12:56 AM BST
    • 139 posts
    August 4, 2011 12:45 AM BST
    Hey Griffy,

    Great to see SL in RL - good luck with the club on SL - it's a fantastic place!

    x Becca
  • August 4, 2011 12:53 AM BST
    Thanks for the welcome, Beckie. Now all I need is a nice big Transtastic.com poster to hang up in the club

    Really glad we met in world.
    This post was edited by Catherine Burton at August 4, 2011 12:57 AM BST