April 2, 2016 1:11 PM BST
Where to begin... Looking for honest and non judgmental help and tips
I've been dressing on and off for a few years now. The makeup I've had and used was always given to me by friends and what I've just secretly gathered from ex girl friends and family.
I've never had what I guess you'd call a "full" or "complete" makeup kit. I don't have a lot of money to spend, enough though, that I know I can continue being happy dressing and feeling beautiful as Cadence.
But as for the basics, I've watched youtube videos, tried looking online, but... I haven't come out, and I'm a "jock" "country man".. So going to a store and buying what I need is honestly scary and nerve racking and truthfully confusing.
So I'm reaching out to all, hoping that I can get the support and advice and tips and tricks for the basic but essential items I need.
Thank you for taking the time to read this, and if you have the time to help, I'd be so greatfull.
April 2, 2016 7:18 PM BST
hi cadence, i have brought lots of bits from pound shops before. when i first started i went into my local boots and asked the girls for help putting together a starting make up bag for my daugther ( me really but who knew ) .... i also found ordering online was good and discreet. alana xx
April 2, 2016 10:21 PM BST
Trial and error for me and thank god for the internet!! So much advice out there about skin types etc. I fortunately had a female friend who helped me chose an appropriate foundation and havent gone wrong since. One tip I would give, is dont think you need everything that the mags etc try to convince you that u need. A decent foundation, concealer, a few lippys and a decent eye pallete and you should be able to get by
April 3, 2016 11:01 AM BST
Hi Cadence, Make up covers such a wide spectrum. In UK you can ask for help in some chemists nlike Boots. If you have a Lady friend who knows of your existance perhaps she could help. Many GG seem to rely on Mascara, Eye liner, Lipstick and foundation as another girl has said. Good luck and Practice.xx
April 4, 2016 2:56 AM BST
Hi Candace I'm just a little West of you on the 401 and like you I started a few years ago with a left overs and pilfered collection of mismatched stuff. I built up quite a collection with the try it and see approach to makeup. The make up counter ladies at Shoppers have been very helpful, not just to me but to other girls in the local community. Lets face it we like make up and use it and buy a lot. Mac and Sephora are also usually accepting of trans girls but they can be expensive. YouTube has a lot of trans make up videos that can be useful. There is a lot of trans activity in Toronto, look up Xpressions and Facebook groups are prevalent. If you ever get West as far as London let me know and we can meet up for shopping.
Good to see Canadian girls here.
hugs. rita
P.S. A visit to Paddy at Wildside or coming to the trans march at Pride are real confidence builders.
This post was edited by rita clark at April 4, 2016 2:58 AM BST