What Has Happened To This Site?

  • February 20, 2016 12:29 AM GMT
    Is it just me and my PC or has this site become in certain areas inaccessible and plagued with gremlins that won't let you do anything, ie view certain forums/post, photos and albums?
    It's a great site but glitches and problems are letting it down!
    Glad to hear others views.
    • 2 posts
    February 20, 2016 12:33 AM GMT
    its free ! get on with it !
    • 3 posts
    February 20, 2016 12:36 AM GMT
    Yeah, I rarely visit any more as it just takes forever to do anything. I can upload a dozen photos on flickr in the time it takes to put one on here - and with less hassle too. Surfing other people's posts is like watching flowers grow............
  • February 20, 2016 1:12 AM GMT
    Regarding this site, Hi Cherylanne Yes some time s I Have Found Problem s with the Site But I am From Canada So I Expect it too Have problem s Just Like many other Site s I Feel it s Due too Wear the Satilight is & The Weather too, Other than that it s Free as Pansie Pettit Say s By the way She is Cute & Yes I Used too Love Flickr & Might Re Join some day Lot s of Friend s there I Miss too, But there all From the USA & I can Never Meet them, Can't Afford it or a Pass Port, LOL
    Bottom Line Enjoy what we Can while we can Hug s Roberta
    • 72 posts
    February 20, 2016 10:48 AM GMT
    I have to say it is becoming extremely frustrating , but it is slowly improving .Today was the first time I was able to read other peoples comments. Having said that looking at photos and posting and deleting them is just a joke .going back and forth then having to refresh the page is just irritating
    • 866 posts
    February 20, 2016 11:30 AM GMT
    It seems as though we are moving one step forwards and two backwards, but actually major software changes are under way under the new site owner - Katie Glover.

    For those of you haven't read it here is the link to her blog, Pauline xxx

    • 107 posts
    February 20, 2016 5:46 PM GMT
    Makes no difference to me as it's always relatively slow on mobile. Everything is, on all sites. Still, the frustration of having to wait, or things going wrong can become, at times, all consuming. The improvements being made will make the site much more versatile and when all the little tweaks are made and all is running smoothly, we'll be glad. This is an exciting time - the new functions will make it all feel like a major new phase in the development of the site, hopefully attracting and retaining more members and with more members active.
    This post was edited by Julia Dream at February 20, 2016 5:56 PM GMT
  • February 20, 2016 5:53 PM GMT
    Sure I Like too Read Other s Opinion s
    • 15 posts
    February 25, 2016 5:33 AM GMT
    You are right my loving friends, I think it is time to move on. A fact of life !!! find a paradise of choice, shithits the fan, it has bee a blast, luv you all xoxoxo me
    • 107 posts
    February 26, 2016 11:03 AM GMT
    What! Don't abandon ship Gayle. This site is very special to me, as it's the first one I joined and people such as yourself are what make it. So many have simply vanished in less than a year I've been here. My perception of the site will remain unchanged, as I don't really see any alternative and have a natural affection for being here. Things are improving. From my point of view it's now possible to add to any albums, something which was limited to when I had private PC access (very rare) before. The ethos and friendliness of this site beats the rest.
    • 57 posts
    February 26, 2016 12:10 PM GMT
    I'm sorry you feel that way Gayle. When I recently took over from Beckie, I wanted to try to make everything better by replacing some of the outdated software with new stuff that offers more features and which fixes many of the annoying bugs which predate my arrival. I know we had a few problems with the albums at first but I believe they are mostly resolved now and the developers are working on fixing some other problems they caused.

    The site speed is the same as it was before. If anything, it should be a tiny bit faster. It also now works nicely on mobile devices, which it didn't before. There are many more big I improvements still to come too.

    So I'm sorry if the improvements we've made are not to your liking and I hope you'll find a better trans community that is perfect somewhere else.

    I'd like thank everyone else though, for your patience while we try to fix the bugs and get the software right. We're doing our best and going as fast as we can and by the way, so far I have paid for all the new software and developer's fees from my own pocket.

    Thanks and hugs, Katie
    • 51 posts
    February 26, 2016 12:37 PM GMT
    I agree Julia , no other site I have looked at been on or a member of is anything like as good as this . I think that is because it interacts far better in a way that all the others just do not seem to do . The home page and its size can interact with everyone ' live ' as it is scrolling , comments are instant and everyone can be involved with every photo ! , every comment ! and make comments within seconds . Yes we are all aware of the limitations with speed and reliability and I was concerned that this site may fold at some point , however for the future, all I can see is positive results coming through , but it will take Katie and her team time to resolve and more importantly improve our informative and friendly ( most of the time ) !! site that I have grown very attached to !!!
    • 10 posts
    February 26, 2016 12:47 PM GMT
    Rome wasn't built in a day and the improvements are noticeable. I am no Tech wizard but I feel the site is much better and faster than I can remember it being especially from a mobile device.

    I am sure that this could have been done quicker and faster with a big team of people but we must not loose sight that this is a free site that functions on goodwill and donations. That being said the problems we have had to deal with have been dealt with as quickly as possible and in a open manner allowing for feedback and interaction between the management and the users.

    I certainly am very grateful for the changes that have happened and the development of this site and certainly support Katie and her team.

    • 11 posts
    March 11, 2016 12:42 AM GMT
    Hmm I'm new here but the site speed is optimal and the layout is plush. The only prol I have is all the new windows that popup when i do something. All in all this site is the governor. Thumbs up from me!
    • 37 posts
    March 12, 2016 8:03 PM GMT
    I feel the speed of the site has increased recently, the biggest bonus is that all areas are free and accessible by all, also the format is on a par with other social media sites. But please remove the pop ups as they linger for far too long......
    • 8 posts
    April 10, 2016 1:46 PM BST
    i have noticed the site is getting faster. Chat room needs to be upgraded. similar to the other site some of us use get more people on.