October 13, 2015 11:06 AM BST
Alana, that opening line is more akin to what you get on line...usually without the midlands bit as most men never look at your profile. I suppose a good comeback could be either," No they prefer to dance/chat/drink" or if you want to insult him back, "I believe men like you do that"...but then you run the danger of getting involved in a fracas.
To be honest Caroline I can never remember anyone giving me a good chat up line - either in the flesh or on line, and that's after almost 20 years out and about as Pauline. Maybe as I have got older and fatter I have become invisible? So often is shouted insults...like once when out with Beckie "look at those two mingers"...Beckie of course said they meant me.
Men have a stupefying ability to state the obvious...like teenage versions shouting out "Its a man in a dress " and banging on the side of the tram after I had safely got on board (luckily).
It would be nice to actually get a line that was a compliment and open ended...I suppose the nearest I have had was on another site, where an admirer said, "I like your carefully crafted profile", but even that is damning with faint praise.
If someone checks out my profile then sometimes I just ask them,"When you looked recently what did you like about me/my profile?" Better than ...did you like my profile, which could give the answer No.
Dating and being chatted up is fraught with difficulties and at least the chat up lines show what real women have to put up with all the time.
Pauline xxx
PS I also hate the way men call me babe, hun or princess....as I am not a child, follower of Attila or wearing a tiara, why not just ask for my name when introducing yourself. Something that seems sadly lacking amongst Englishmen's chat up skills ..being able to say,
"Hi I 'm Jim,what's your name....oh Pauline, that's a lovely name...could I buy you a drink?" would be a fairly normal opening gambit in Holland, though to be fair they also do the suck cock routine as well.
This post was edited by Pauline Smith at October 13, 2015 11:12 AM BST
October 13, 2015 11:42 AM BST
Oh Pauline , how I wish I had your experience and that is not an indication to your age !!. By the way I was in Naps when I was swoon of my feet by that lovely gentleman !! lol
October 13, 2015 11:58 AM BST
Thanks for the compliments - though I don't think my experiences are anything special. Many Tgirls or most real girls (especially real girls) could tell better stories than me.
Naps is of course a "knocking shop" and well known for that, so it is a risk you take when you are as attractive as you are. I also think that guys like your "chat up man" (though to dignify his words as chat up is stretching it a lot) use the numbers game, so basically ask every girl there if they like sucking cock. Most say No, but sometimes they get lucky; I had a friend when I was a student who used the same approach only worse (his chat up line was do you fuck?); he got his face slapped a lot but now and then some girl said yes.
Sadly witty banter seems to be stuck on Dave repeats.
Pauline xxx
October 13, 2015 12:05 PM BST
Lovely response Pauline and thanks xx
October 13, 2015 6:56 PM BST
Just last week in the village shop I smiled at the man who I guessed was a bit younger than me when I joined him at the back of the queue.
He kept looking round at me and muttering to himself. He looked at my feet (painted toe nails visible in very high strappy wedges) "Ooh nice!". At my dress, "Lovely". At my face "Oh yes!" He then went to the counter and when he turned to go he said to me in a voice which everyone could hear "Young Lady" (young?? I was older than him!) "Young lady, you really have made my day!"
"Oh, that's nice of you to say so" says I "In what way?"
"Ohhh - in so many ways, you wouldn't believe" he replied as he left. Everyone either smiled, sniggered or laughed and I hadn't even found out if he was rich! x x
October 13, 2015 8:44 PM BST
You lucky gurl Trines , that would definitely have made my day !!!
October 13, 2015 9:37 PM BST
Alana Dee said: ''had one on Wednesday night , asked where I was from , said the Midlands and the response was " I have heard gurls from the midlands like to suck C..k ". No not interesting just bloody tipical from most of them !! ''
Perhaps the sharp reply there might have been " In that case you need your hearing checked"
October 13, 2015 9:43 PM BST
BTW Pauline, you look and sound great to me. I still await an opening line that is different.
October 13, 2015 11:34 PM BST
the two comments i got last week were something along the lines of 'you fuckin bent queer cunt' from a half pint sized pikey boasting his best primark shirt in tesco (stupid cunt didnt realise i was listening to Dr Dre on my ipod so I might have had to pop a cap in his ass), then the rather large black gentleman who is the proprieter of one of the rougher pubs in town 'bloody hell your tits are getting bigger i'll be sucking on them soon' (i guess this was more of a compliment than the comment the pikey served up??)
luckily i've got thick skin nowadays, have a sense of humour and don't really give a shit
This post was edited by Mia Wallace at October 13, 2015 11:37 PM BST
October 13, 2015 11:54 PM BST
That's a great line Caroline , but like you I kind of froze and can't remember what I said , it must have been some thing pathetic , think I need to toughen up and practice some one lines !!!
October 15, 2015 10:42 AM BST
The best opening lines I have had recently have been from a guy on another site, who if his pix are real is very dishy.
[14/10/2015] Making that extra effort for a true lady, makes life much more worthwhile, and you are most attractive, someone with whom I would love to be seen with in public
He is an English guy living in Canada, and is visiting the UK in January and would like to chat on line via email to get to know each other with a view to meeting. It could all be a con trick of course..... but here are his opening lines from his first email that I opened this morning........
Dearest Pauline,
Well here I am sending a lovely woman the first e-mail from my e-mail address outside of Caffmos. I have to admit that from the first time I saw your photo and profile I was quite taken with you, my thoughts ranged from wanting to ask you out on a date to wondering who this rather lovely woman was, what was she all about, and, of course was she already taken by some very lucky man. I'm glad we've decided to stay in touch until I arrive in England in the new year, the possibilities of what could happen add a lot to my looking forward to my trip, a tinge of excitement is already there.
Maybe it's Mills and Boons, but is better than the two examples Mx Ashley gave us, and shows that some guys can construct sentences and use words to woo.
Pauline xxx
October 15, 2015 11:20 AM BST
Hi Pauline , WELL !! all is not lost , there is still some chivalry from certain gentlemen and it would be lovely if it does indeed come to fruition . Thanks for sharing !! xx
October 16, 2015 1:26 PM BST
Well, fortunately, or perhaps with a bit of a misfortune, I've not been chatted up by anyone yet (in person). Of course, that's because I'm silly and I don't get out that much.

There isn't a huge scene in Norway as you could possibly guess. There are more people in London than there are in Norway as a whole!
I also do not take compliments very well. Also, intentions are something I don't always read properly. I'm not really up for just going with someone whom I've never spoken to either over the phone, online, or in person.
However, I implore you, what would some of you say to me as your opening gambit?
This post was edited by Rachel Maxwell at October 16, 2015 1:31 PM BST
October 19, 2015 9:57 AM BST
I tend to ignore most of it except when it comes from friends . I think they think we are all the same as a minority of transvestites that is part of the problem and some real girls who go nuts when they have been drinking
October 20, 2015 10:35 PM BST
I don't much care about the lines, as long as they are not offensive. If a guy's attractive, young and horny, then he can make me an offer.
October 20, 2015 11:06 PM BST
I find it extremely funny when my tranny friend gets chatted up, shes gorgeous so hardly surprised, but shes really cool about it, but she must get fed up with telling several guys shes just into women every night, but the best looking women always chat her up too, My other pal are all into men but very fussy and just enjoy the attention anyway, then we all have a laugh about it anyway.
October 22, 2015 9:47 AM BST
I was once ... a long time ago now, out with some younger freinds ( i was old enough to be their parent OMG ! ) they were 'crashing' at mine for a few days and i feel getting a bit of 'cabin fever' so i agreed to take them out, and in the process got talked into 'jules coming along' instead of 'him' lol. So there we are a couple of teens and a mature tgirl out on the town, same thing i was at the bar getting drinks while the teens were throwing shapes lol and this obviously merry guy sidles up and says your looking sexy tonight, im like ewwwww, so turn before he has chance to grab my ass, give him a cold stare ( to warn him not to touch ) then grin and walk off with the drinks .... Sadly i never come out with amusing comebacks there and then, only later and should have said thank you but i think you have your beer goggles on. I guess its probably a learned skill which comes with experience and practice