Greetings. :3

    • 15 posts
    July 27, 2015 11:35 PM BST
    Hey everyone.

    My name is Stacy. I grew up in Northeast Florida, where I survive the elements to this day. The Jaguars are sorry, our schools aren't really that prestigious, our beaches are dirty, and we're actually really lazy. We never go anywhere because we love our air conditioning too much. >.>

    Anyway, I just found this site and it's really great. I've gotten lost multiple times. I wasn't born a female, but I realized how wrong my natural body felt since early, early childhood, extending into youth when I wasn't like other boys? I was far more bubbly, cute and I wasn't all that into sports, or action figures, or anything like that. I most DEFINITELY prefer female pronouns..

    With the support of my awesome mother who supplied me with the things I preferred (clothing, dolls) instead of the things she wanted me to grow up with, and later on, my awesome girlfriend (whom of which I will marry), I was able to come out to a closer circle of friends and finally expand, looking for friends whom of which I have the same in common (MTF), so I can have some friends who are also girls, if you follow me. That also helped me to find this site. I'm friendly towards all, and always welcome a platonic conversation and friendship. :3

    I'm not considering therapy, or any type of surgery. It's expensive and painful. I have the utmost respect for those who have had the courage, bravery and commitment to do so. You are far more along than I, and you are beautiful. D:

    I look forward to meeting all of you and becoming an active part of this community.
    This post was edited by Stacy McCalister at July 27, 2015 11:38 PM BST
  • August 5, 2015 10:03 PM BST
    Hi Stacey and welcome xx