February 21, 2016 1:53 PM GMT
I dream a lot and then forget. Then years later, in the middle of the day and out of the blue. A dream comes back to me and still makes no sense. I often dream lucidly, choosing to switch off a dream to begin a new one. I can pick up, or believe I can pick up on a dream after waking, go back to sleep and continue the plot. I believe in the absolute, that blind belief is key, steadfast and unwavering, doubtless and with an expectation of outcome which is predefined and will occur through solidarity of thought. Pragmatism is what I believe in, and that natural change through cycles of what we refer to as time, bring about conditions where the once impossible becomes the norm. This is seen all around us all the time - everything we see, touch, taste, hear which is artificial, ie man made, is the result of changes put in to play through the power of thought, because that's where it all begins; imagination becomes reality and the world is changed again. For love, the same. And for hope, there's still no difference - where there's life there's hope. Remember that and it's all in context. Hope isn't about longevity or survival, it's about understanding and interaction with others. Aspirations change, but then it seems they just fade, when I realise, that they're been mostly achieved, just different to how they seemed they'd be before they were achieved. When you are without, not being without is an unknown quantity. Achieving what you want requires focus, but that focus must be interesting and significantly mind expanding in order to fulfill it's usefulness and adapt to a world which has changed so much since the first glimmer of thought about the here and now was formed. Or something like that.