January 30, 2015 8:23 PM GMT
I have finally got to see a personal stylist. I enquired just before Christmas at a place I had found on the internet called Caboodle Style (http://www.caboodlestyle.com/). This Wednesday just gone was the first day I could have off work and so an appointment was made. I am, it transpires the first man to approach them and ask for help with women's clothes *they do men's styling as well as women's). If Laura, the stylist, hadn't told that I was the first then I would not have guessed. Quite apart from being an instantly likeable person Laura never batted an eyelid as I donned my wig so that the colour selection made more sense. She happily talked about what dresses, tops and skirts I should look for as if it was the most natural thing for a man to wear them in the world.
Let me say that I really think that the time I spent there was worthwhile but I must add that it was immeasurably enhanced by the fact that I was talking about wearing women's clothes with another person. Someone who had a genuine interest in what I should be wearing. I have never had the opportunity to speak like that with anyone else before. I loved it and I cannot wait to repeat it.
And repeat it I will. I have promised myself that just as soon as I have lost one stone in weight I am going to book another session with Laura and this time it will be as a personal shopper in the West End of London.
This post was edited by Anne Marshall at January 30, 2015 8:25 PM GMT