June 12, 2011 5:03 PM BST
Awwwww............................................ I like this! I have experimented with hair colours a lot in real life..... and had a fair few disasters!

Use peroxide wisely, Ladies! With great hair colorants comes great responsibility! Do not give in to the dark side shades either! Mwahs xxx
June 12, 2011 9:15 PM BST
just a blonde, will always be. just me
June 12, 2011 10:04 PM BST
I have a favourite wig! I have thousands of them just the same wig over and over! works for me, although at my age I think I should wear something a bit more more miss Marples!
June 12, 2011 10:10 PM BST
andrea, you look great, with or with out(clothes as well)
just a passing coment xxxxxxx
June 12, 2011 11:22 PM BST
thanks sweetie!! XXX
June 12, 2011 11:54 PM BST
gurrgling, opss swollow XXXXXX
June 13, 2011 6:18 AM BST
Disregarding jallie's somewhat crass comments, ( i will spank you girlfriend ! )
I have just dyed myself invisible !
Yes ! That's right ! I can only be seen in my imagination and anyone else I entrust the power to ! ?
Who wants the power ?
I am ugly as sin and as beautiful as a flower.
June 13, 2011 7:00 PM BST
A Nicky juxtaposition if I have ever read one - a Jallie comment if ever I have read one!
June 13, 2011 10:52 PM BST
Nicky - that makes you a Sinflower - which I love (or have I spelt it wrong?????)