November 21, 2014 9:07 PM GMT
I've thought about this often Pauline. The chances are I shall probably die en femme as I am dressed most of the time. However, I've discussed it with my children and told them I'm happy to leave it to them - they are to choose whichever mode they feel most comfortable with. After all, I won't be there so I won't know or care!
As for the music it will be. Entry: the final song (When my body dies) from Pergolesi's Stabat Mater stunningly & definitively sung by Jaroussky & Lezhneva - from 31.45 mins onwards but without the rather jolly final amens. Exit:- an old Music Hall comedy song - "Off I Went with the Body in the Bag"

for which I am locally infamous for performing, about the antics got up to by someone trying to dispose of the family's dead cat. It will have to be a recording of me singing it in performance as otherwise it is completely unknown. The undertakers will have instructions to affix a large tail to hang, swinging, from out the back of the coffin and the pall bearers are to process out walking like John Cleese a la Ministry of Silly Walks. Should raise a laugh. x x