General Transtastic usage/performance

  • J L
    • 54 posts
    October 7, 2014 2:56 PM BST
    Well, I often seem to be the odd one out.

    I use Transtastic and find it servicable and stable in comparison to other sites.

    I use Transtastic either via my;

    Sony P (Rubbish cheap small, just my style)
    Sony S Tablet (Older style magazine format, I'm kooky)
    My Sony Playstation
    My son's Laptop.

    It mostly works on all of these... it works enough and is stable enough.

    Where Transtastic website has issues

    Chat, well, the chat box , via tablet will be only half on the screen and the screen seems to like to zoom up. It's a niggling annoyance only really.

    On the tablet again, when I try to upload photographs, I get a little sign saying the plugin is missing, I think it is Adobe.

    This is frustrating, as it means i have to get to the laptop to upload pics, I am thankful for google drive now as that saves me shunting pics via a usb stick.

    I have been an internet user for quite a while and other websites do not perform so well.

    I know others say about slow performance, it's ok for me, on all the devices, sometimes I click "like" and wait a short while before it registers, but often i just click "like", then click away and it has registered that I clicked "like"

    There are so many devices now and a few operating systems, so just wanted to say that it's always really helpful if you include as much info, ie:- device used, operating system etc.

    I remember on another site and they were always saying to me to use "Chrome" web browser and each and eavery time it would crash, this went on for about 3 months, then Chrome started working.

    I use chrome mostly, firefox is stable, but slower and clunkier.

    Bring me iCab (Low end browser).

    & we all know that IE, Internet Explorer is a web browser of death personified right?

    I am just an end user and wanted to just say my experience as it might be in some way helpful for others to see.
  • October 8, 2014 9:43 AM BST
    Site speed has improved dramatically today Janet, hope you can experience this ! x
  • J L
    • 54 posts
    October 8, 2014 9:55 AM BST
    Definitely "Snappier"
  • October 8, 2014 1:21 PM BST
    Good - well there's obviously something happening in the right way x