It officially begins...

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    Well, I wish I could say that it has been quite a week, so I guess that I will! It's been quite a week! Most of the week was a bit boring, but two things happened. The first thing was registering a new company. I am now in the business of offering IT and Network Support as well as software and web development. I could have made a longer list of what the business is capable of, but the essence of it should be short and sweet. Next, week, will bring about going to a Bank to set up some business accounts. I should be able to work though and just bill people later.

    What sort of software or websites? Hopefully nothing extremely complicated. Since I am only just one lonely girl working here. In general for software, if there is already an existing design document or desired foal or output of the program, I can generally get the work done rather quickly. Same as websites really, althought I'd be up for some larger projects.

    It isn't just software either. I also do Networking and PC hardware support. I am also available for other general services that can be discussed. Haha, listen to me, I'm already trying to sell my services. Is it so wrong to try to drum up some business?

    The other news has to deal with a referral. Yesterday we went over what the psychologist will be sending to Rikshospitalet. Aside from a few factual corrects there was only one thing I was hesitant about. While I understand it isn't a slag against me, it was a bit troubling. I received my ICD-10 code of F64.9. Gender Identity Disorder. If you were curious about what that is in Norwegian, then it is Kjønnsidentitetsforstyrrelse. He told me not to worry about that. It was just because I am just at the beginning phase of my transition and that it would be up to myself and Rikshospitalet to judge this. Remember, dear reader, that the goal here is an ICD-10 Diagnosis of F64.0. Also, he noted that I only appeared "as a woman" one time and that I was very passable, at least as far as looks go.

    There is a six month waiting period before they will likely be able to see me. Time to crank up the exercise routine. With Spring and Summer coming and a change in diet, things are certainly set to change. There is also the planned purging of my male wardrobe, which could leave me needing to buy loads of clothes. I'm so sure many people think that sounds great, but I don't. Mostly it is my size. Sure, its a fine size, but the GID clinic here has a think about not wanting to treat overweight people.

    It's their game and their rules. More to follow at a later time.