Coming out one by one

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    Maybe it's because I've been slightly tipsy tonight, maybe it was the fact that it was 230 in the morning, when I went downstairs to knock on my neighbours door. But somehow. I managed to blurt out that I was TS and he could call me Rachel. We had a good quick conversation and made our apologies.  He said he had tried to contact me earlier, but I didn't answer my door. Anyway, what is done cannot be undone.


    This is just the first of many such occurences. I trembled and shook for 15 minutes after. Was I terrified that he would hit me or freak out or laugh? Was I afraid he might have some kind of a backlash? Honestly, I wasn't sure. I was shaking about as much as I did when I yelled at my dad after my mum had a stroke and he didn't take her to Hospital immediately. It's one thing to come out to a very close friend or someone else who is transgendered. It's something else altogether to come out to your neighbour, or other friends, and family. 


    It reminds me of when I went to a work site after my therapy session with make up on. The proprieter noticed and said as much. More like in a joking fashion that everyone could do what they wanted to do. If I wanted to wear make up now that was my thing. I didn't have the where-with-all to say I was TS. Although, it is an adult boutique. I still have a few hundred people to come out to.


    Whether or not my neighbour will remember this or not tomorrow, I don't know. I don't think it would be something I would forget . I don't even know why I told him. Maybe just so he wouldn't think I was weird if he saw me in  make up. Maybe he is downstairs telling his party guests that I'm a freak. But he didn't freak out. He just was like wow, okay. Rachel. (yes, I told him to call me that). i think it is because he used my real name and I just blurted it out. It's bound to happen sometime. There are now. only a very small handful of people irl, that know now. Their names aren't important right now. In a way it is a good thing that I don't know that many people. 


    Honestly, I don't hang out with that many people here in Norway. I'm bizarre in that I don't like large groups of people, I like to be alone. However, at the same time, I hate being lonely. I like living around people who share common interests and where we don't get in each others way. Unfortunately, I have a difficult time opening up to strangers. But as I have to make annoucements about being out, I guess it makes it easier. 


    I am a much happier person because baggage is being slowly shed. I thank everyone here for the encouragement they have provided thus far. Deborah Taylor, Amy TGurl, Carol Tights, Gemma V3™, Fiona Cole, Katrina Roberts, Carol Tights, Jaqui Jackson, Raven Drake, Crimson, Gemme Maquillage, Pauline Smith, Peter Oram, Mal Redman, and anyone else who has been encouraging or said a kind word, if I forgot your name I apologize. 


    Thanks ^^


    Rachel xxx

  • Susan d'Aristoc Can empathise with your comment about "large groups of people but hate being lonely" Rachel. Not in the same place as you but you have my every best wish -- hang in there girl, keep taking those steps gradually to where you want to be.
  • Carol Tights Rachel, keep going hon because you are one fabulous, fun and intelligent girl. You are not bizarre at all in not liking large groups of people but not liking being on your own. I love being sociable but only in the sense of meeting one or two friends for...  more
  • Peter Oram Just another step of many more to make on your journey. Congrats Rachel and keep going. You will never be lonely as long as you have so many friends here thinking of you.
  • Amy Eastwood Brilliant Rachel ,yet another step taken , Congrats xx