Rest in Peace Leelah Alcorn

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    I know that it isn't unusual for transgender people to be overwhelmed by their situations and a large portion of the community has at least thought about suicide and even attempted to commit suicide, but the news today about Leelah Alcorn has touched me and has ignited a lot of passion about the needs of transgendered individuals throught social media.

    Leelah felt that she was a girl trapped in a boy's body since she was four, but her conservative christian parents were not willing to accept her as the person she truly was. They even sent her to a christian therpist that tried to convince her that her perception of the world was wrong. 

    Leelah decided that she couldn't continue to live in this situation and chose to step in front of a vehicle. Her message to the world is that she wants the world help end situations like hers. Perhaps if we spread the word, we can help this happen.