I’ve just had a very interesting conversation with a very old gay guy, who is also a serious philosopher and general very brainy person and when discussing transsexuals and our general status, etc, he made an interesting observation which has the ring of truth to it, that is that transsexuals generate fear in people.
Women can be fearful, because T-grills are often more beautiful than them and have figures that many women aspire too! Heterosexual men can be fearful because we give them a desirable image, which at the same time is, underneath the outer image, a male like them, which makes the possibility of them finding a male desirable deeply worrying with strong elements of homophobia etc
Gay men are often fearful because we take the ‘drag’ out into a broader softer domain with more subtlety and finesse and more naturally female and a large number of gay men find anything that is related to a female personification unattractive.
We also have a ‘visual front’ which the majority find difficult to deal with....how do you get past the image of femaleness (unless you are very convincing and pass easily) to the person inside and what common ground do you use to interact.
This is his observation and he’s 89 so has seen the whole gamut of the sexual revolution and sexual repression, etc.
I don’t necessarily agree with him but it’s an interesting observation.
August 20, 2012- -
August 20, 2012- -
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August 21, 2012- -
August 22, 2012- -
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