I hardly know where to start. I guess I am hoping that this Blog will act as a Sprngboard for me to find friends, connect with people and ultimately be at peace with my life as Selina. It certainly has been a long time coming.
I feel, more than ever before, that I am ready. Ready and confident to be out there, wherever there is,but i find that life, or is it me sabotaging it, tends to get in the way.
In the last 4 years, I have been out once. This has been extremely frustrating and depressing at times. I suppose I feel a little lost and need to find my way. My home, family, business and interests do take up a huige chunk of my time, but I need to also make time for "her".
So-if you have stumbled across this blog by accident or because you thought it might be something interesting to read, stop by and say hi.
If my femme life is a journey, i feel i have ben walking around and around the signposts for so long that I just need to be pointed in the righht direction
July 16, 2012- -
July 16, 2012- -
July 16, 2012- -
July 16, 2012- -