Hormones Day 672 - Update

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    Well in my workplace I am unhappy to report that I am being victimised on a regular basis.  On Saturday I counted my lucky stars I had been in the salon for 28 minutes before I was told 'fuck off Ashley'.  Thats a record.  Maybe the management have told them to go easy on me being the fragile little flower I am.  I am almost certain that this abuse can only stem from the fact I am a transsexual.


    The Tuesday preceeding this I was told that I would have to wear a bra to work.  One of the stylists told me that she could see my tits through my top. OK its a primark top so she had a point (cant wear anything more expensive seeing as I get coated head to toe in bleach and tint everyday).  However a man wouldnt be told to wear a bra to work, so why should I have to?


    I wore a bra on Friday.  I hate wearing a bra.


    We're going on holiday to Italy.  All paid for.  Apparently the girl who does the wedding makeup wants to tart me right up. 


    I get picked on all the time.  I just want to blend in.  Not stand out.  Chill in the background.  Go unnoticed.


    Can anyone help?



  • Alana Dee likes this
  • Mal Ware Beware of those Italian men, Ash. Your backside will be black and blue when you get back, or so they say.
  • Elizabeth (Liz) Arlington-Lee Oh Mio Bambina caro !
  • Caroline Brookes Have you tried tassles to cover your nips? For some strange reason it's always the nips that offend. Bare skin no problem, but nips are a no no. Just don't swing round too quickly, or you'll have someones eye out.;)
  • Bryan Webb Ash, as you know I have no idea what life must be like for a tg. but I do know you! You don't have to stand for that - so don't! Be yoursel, and fuck em!! There are other jobs!