Goodbye Transtastic!!!

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    Ive been on hormones for 23 months now. Well on an effective dosage for 14 months. Finally I'm getting near to how I want to be. Its been a long old hike but I've finally got the body I wanted (nearly) and the confidence to go with it. It used to piss me off on here when people talked about being TG as a journey, but I guess thats what it is. I see it more as evolving. Your brain evolves. Your look involves. In some cases your body evolves. Its some fairly big shit to be dealing with. I never dealt with it so well. Sites like this can help during such periods in your life.

    What I've noticed though is i've started posting a lot less on trans sites. Now my Alan Turing chemical castration (yes i received 3 of the same injections as that poor fucker) has worn off my sex drive is back with a BANG I can be found on adult sites again. Shame on me.

    The thing is trans issues are obviously of interest to me. The blogs that go up on here (occasionally) by Pauline or whoever interest me (sometimes). Thats about it though nowadays.

    I've nothing against people who frequent TG sites who haven't got anything worthwhile to contribute. Photos of them dressed age inappropriately whilst the wifes out isn't my bag. I used to do that. So I guess not for the first time I sound like a hypocrite. Maybe I am. But I used to be an adolescent, and now at my age I cannot stand most of the little fuckers. I guess the same goes for closet crossdressers.

    I realise that dressing in gender inappropriate clothing (inappropriate to your genetalia before anyone chirps up) covers a whole world of shit. I get most/all of it. Doesn't mean I like most of it and those who do it. I'm being honest. I've got nothing in common with someone who wanks themselves half to death hairy legs in tights nor anything in common with people who like a kid have a dressing up box which they can get busy with and post pictures of themselves on the net. Massively hypocritical? Yes I am.

    I'm now at a point where I am one person. A whole person. I don't have a 'girl name' and talk about myself in the 3rd person. Yes I'm Mia on a sex site and Facebook (yes my friends and family Facebook), but being called Mia Wallace is done for a laugh. I'm Gemma on an adult entertainment site, but show me a hooker who uses their real name? Regardless I think the whole talking about yourself in the 3rd person is just plain odd.

    I realise I'm lucky and started HRT at just the right time to enable me to grow and style my hair effectively as a woman. I'm lucky I was born with my body. The thing is especially during the last two months where I've got a nice haircut and now my tits arse and thighs have grown I've now got the confidence I need. I'm one person.

    Don't get me wrong, even though on a personal level I don't like some of them, people that go out en femme I've got a whole lot of respect for. I'm not a total cunt. I just feel a detachment now from trans sites which are invariably heavily populated with closet cds. But with that detachment I have discovered more of a connection with boring old general life and those who live it. Its really weird how things go. I've even managed to hold down a regular job for 6mnths. Check me out.

    All that said though, this site helped me enormously during the last 4 turbulant years.

    But before any of you get too fuckin excited this isn't me saying goodbye. Hahahaha.  Unlucky buddy.  I still like seeing if anyones written anything remotely interesting once in a while.

    So If you yourself are on 'a journey' good luck you'll need it.  

  • rita clark I know what you mean jaqui but I did read the last bit so I knew Mx. take care of yourself kid, work on getting older and have fun.
  • J L Take care wierdo & hey better clinically insane than whatever you are
  • Mia Wallace don't you worry, i will take care to avoid strange old men with with accute mental health issues who wear womens clothes if i ever see them walking down the street darling x
  • Pauline Smith As a very merry peasant pheasant plucker...I sort of "get" nutters, but usually they are little or no fun. I realize that Ashley's blog is not valedictory, merely a peek over the top of the current hill or a "slippin and a slidin"...  more