My Transtastic Trip To Manchester

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    My Transtastic Trip To Manchester


    I don't get away too often. Kind of enjoy where I am, being with my friends, making a spectacle out of myself in my local town, looking after my clingy cat and being at home. I'm so very much a home person. Subsequently in the last 4 years I've only spent 2 nights away from home. So a weekend away for me was a big deal really.


    Problem is with my perspectives when I do go away I tend to go a little nuts as I'm out of my comfort zone and I tend to experience high levels if excitement. High levels of excitement in my case generally equates to getting as much of everything I can get down my greasy gizzards in as small a time frame as possible.


    I'm not exaggerating.


    Subsequently when i arrived in High Wycombe on Friday morning with a hangover to catch the train I couldn't help deliberately missing the first train to have a couple of pints in wetherspoons at 9.30am. That aside the trip there was fairly quick and non descript. Not a bad thing.


    When I arrived at Manchester to meet Tina and we opted for a trip to the pub. Ironically the same pub I was in on my last trip there when I was sat there waiting for my train home surrounded by people who hated my guts for my behaviour the night before. But thats an entirely different story.


    Had a couple there then a brief stop at the hotel and drop our bags straight off due to a chance meeting with another transtastic member, Trines then off to another pub. Had several there then went for dinner. Food was nice, restaurant was cool, my behaviour still verging on reasonable.


    Then off to the gay party zone. Went in one place for a quick pint and a shot but cannot remember what it was called. Churchills Kareoke pub great as were the shots with steam coming out of them served in test tubes, had 3 of those badboys. Paddys Goose was great even though the landlord was taken aback somewhat at my views on which toilet I should use. The Chilli Sambuka was also great as were the tia maria coiuntreau jaffa cakes as was the berry cider. Naps was fun, disco dancing although what I was drinking at this stage of the game I wasn't entirely sure of. Then went to some place might have been New York New York where some local scallies administered me with what must have been some form of local produce in the toilets, seemingly whether i liked it or not which sent the evening in a slightly different direction. Again I'm very unsure as to what I was drinking at this stage of the game.


    Arrived back at the hotel at 2am. I wanted a fag so had to go outside, ended up talking to the hotel night staff for two or three hours. Drinking coca cola. Actually may have been longer as I made my way out of the hotel at 6am to try another club by myself in a ridiculous state. Given the baselines and the wide eyes in this club and the given time I reckon illegal drugs were being taken by one and all. Lovely atmosphere


    So I got home at 7.30am. Went to sleep. Woke up at 10am. Fresh as a daisy. Not. Had to go Primark as I didn't have a handbag which was like hell on earth in that state and was quite a hike. Then made myself back to the homosexual orientated part of the city called the village. Bumped into trannys. Then went to same pub i was in the night before which i cant remember the name of. Had a pint and a shot to try and level myself out. Oh yeh we'd gone into Paddys Gosse before that for another drink. Then we walked to the centre. Maybe 9 or 10 of us there was. Walking was gay. I was fucked and all I could think about was where was I going to get my next drink from. Photos were taken in various places. My highlight was drinking Lambrini with the down and outs on a park bench. Salt of the earth and all that


    More photos, shopping centres, oh and a football pub, i.e full of scallies off to see the city hull game. Managed 2 pints of cider in there. Then stopped for lunch. Gave lunch a swerve as I was fairly convinced food would have a fairly shit reaction given my troubled state. Had another pint mind. Then more shopping centres. Then finally the long walk back to the village. Then pubs then clubs then going home too fucked to drink anymore at a much earlier time than the night before, had a nice mixed kebab mind.


    So all in all I met some fun people Liz's better half and Amy were great as they seemed quite keen on alcohol consumption so they spoke my kind of 1 dimensional language. Beckie seemed to be having fun taking 200 selfless on any phone left unattended. Beckies better half was eccentric and amusing. And everyone else I met were nice. Oh and Pauline didn't have to tell me off once during the entire tripThere wasn't a bad bugger out of everyone from this site that went


    Obviously the journey back was vile as I was so dizzy i could barely stand up and felt horrendous beyond any description my vocabulary is capable of. But all in all I guess it was good fun and I managed not to severly piss off anyone that I encountered over the weekend. So thank you northerners for your hospitality and friendliness, thanks to Tina for putting up with me for the entirety of the trip, except when she was puking up in the toilet all day saturday when i was out, and my missing in action on friday night saturday morning for five and a half hours


    And thanks to Liz the tour leader, great event and I guess I'll see you at the next one if I'm allowed to come

    Oh and my cat was thrilled to see me when I got home and has not left me ever since, bless the black and white cunt that she is xx

  • Pauline Smith Is that your cat around your neck in the last photo? Pauline xxxx
  • Dee Blue Unfortunately I missed the hard drinking sessions, but when I saw you, you were fun to be with and helped to make Manchester a fun time. Hugs.
  • niki paris Was looking forward to coming to mancs and meeting you all but my car was ill and needed fixingBe up for the next 1 defo
  • Marianne Field I got thirsty just reading this!!