Photos Marked As Adult

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    I received an email on here from someone I would consider to be an undesirable.  You know the type, revolting username, no photo, obviously views his computer and the internet as wank equipment, then off every weekend round B&Q and Homebase with his poor unsuspecting wife.


    Heres the mail:


    'What on earth made you say something as nasty as that. You seem to be the only person on here that says nasty and hurtful things to people.'


    Now I do realise this site does cater for shall we say 'more adult tastes' - theres even a photo of me on the slideshow on the home page to illustrate there is adult content on here.  The thing is I so don't want to see grotesque images when I log onto this website. 


    Thankfully this site is run in the knowledge that this 'scene' is very fractured.  Not everyone has the same interests or the same reasons to express a certain level of femininity.  Subsequently there are both 'safe feed' and 'adult feed' options.  I personally don't see any femininity in a fat hairy bloke waving his weasel about just because hes wearing a dress.  But thats my own opinion. When photos are posted on this site the default setting is adult, so you have to make an effort to select the inappropriate setting for your photo.  There are no excuses for this behaviour.


    Before some smart arse finds some very graphic images of me from other sites, lets just say those images are posted for professional purposes.  Also they are 'tasteful' enough for 5 to 10 people a day to pay for a 24hr access to the albums.  I don't do it for tittilation.


    Now if you get excited by this sort of behaviour, fair enough, crack on, whatever makes you happy, different strokes for different folks etc etc  But please do not shove it in peoples faces. The faces of those who find these sorts of images grotesque and offensive.


    People ask to be respected in their 'life choices' but if they are unwilling to show respect for others then please expect a foul mouthed response from me as I think you are being nothing but disgusting and selfish


    have a nice day


    lots of love Gemma x

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