Open letter to NHS about GIC surgery

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    There seems to be a lots of noise going on over surgery at Imperial College NHS Trust or Charing Cross Hospital to give it is more common name. I came across an open letter (email actually) on the subject:

    I have also seem an article along the same lines on PinkNews (does anyone have the full reference?). It would appear that there is a backlog at Charing Cross GIC and it isn't going to get much better. But read for yourselves and make up your own minds.

    Personally this won't make any difference to me as I cannot see me going down that route for many a long year.
  • Pauline Smith like this
  • Pauline Smith It seems that the delays could be being caused by the retirement of one surgeon last year and the moving of the only other one who did GRS at Charing X to private medical care. Though paperwork delays and obfuscation also seem to be the order of the day....  more
  • Pauline Smith After reading all the various links it seems to me that the Pink News article is the most succinct and gives the best overview. Pauline xxx
  • Deborah Johnston Pauline is right. I've just been through there and it is because one surgeon retired and one has moved to the private sector. they are training more surgeons and one will be doing a full list by September. When things will hopefully get better Debbie
  • Josephine Green Thank you Pauline for finding those other references. It was interesting to read the NHS Trust news page which doesn't mention backlogs at all! As Charing X did the surgery for more than the London area it looks like this problem isn't going to get any better.