Paying compliments

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    A thought has just struck me, ouch!  As basically a male admirer, (a phrase which I actually don't like and would like to see an alternative to) I often wonder when looking at profiles of t-girls who state they have no interest in men, whether I should still "like" their pictures, or comment on them, or whether it would cause offence.  Any thoughts boys or girls? 



  • Trines x x They're not 'kind' comments Mal, they're the truth! x x
  • Peter Oram I look at it as any girl likes to be complimented, so I compliment them. The trick is in knowing what to say which is harder.
  • Mal Ware Good point Peter.
  • Gayle Webb Hi Mal, that is very interesting because as you can see, boobs on me, I DID NOT grow them to impress women. When I spend hours & big $$$ on clothes, make up, & accessories, I truly mean to turn a male head, be he gay or the other thing. Truly, I...  more