Well my Surgeries are scheduled for Saturday 10th March and its going to be quite a long one. The Surgeon has allowed a time frame of over 6 hours for all my procedures.
To be honest I am scared and that is not helping me especially with smoking. I have cut down 90% but still need 1 or 2 small cigars a day because of the anxiety.
Doing Face, Rhinoplasty (nose), Lip Implants, and Breast Augmentation all at once. I shall get my botox shots once the bruising on my face has subsided.
Will have approx 4 week recovery period and we are looking to get my GRS scheduled sometime middle next year. GRS will be performed in the USA.
So everyone thats the latest update from me at the moment
Take care and hugs
Stephanie xx
February 27, 2012- -