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    This is just a cautionary note for anyone considering "revealing all" to parents, although it may apply to other people as well.  A few weeks ago I revealed all to my parents after who knows how long (20+ years... maybe longer) expecting the worst and actually receiving a "we will support you" kind of greeting.  So far so good.  As it turns out their version of "support" is vastly different to mine.  "Support" seems mostly to entail trying their hardest to dissuade me from pretty much doing anything at all.  To say I'm disappointed in them is putting it mildly.  Whilst I understand that they are old and come from a different planet from me (possibly - not that I'm young or anything...) this doesnt sound like support to me.  Obviously they seem to think I am thick enough to walk into a pub in a dress and straight into the women's toilets...  

    Parents will also bring up the word "family" and what the family reaction will be.. blah blah. Seems to me it's perfectly fine to be the mother/father of various illegitimate offspring, be several times divorced.. etc.. but not to be a TS.  

    Anyway I could rant on for hours.. so just beware.  As they say, reactions may be varied!!!!  I think in future I'll do what I think is best and sod everyone else!




  • Julie Hawkwood So much more eloquent that I could have put it, Josephine xxxxx
  • Deleted Member I must apologise if anyone saw my comment and thought I was saying that they are: A) 'a bigot' and B) 'a piece of shite.' I thought I said that 'the intolerance and bigotry shown by those who claim to be our nearest and dearest ..reminds me just how all...  more
  • April-Mae Juin Amie - you are being honest. I value honesty. I dislike misunderstanding. It is a shame that your parents have not adapted to your true self. As you say you have not got a legion of brats trailing after you and you have made a good life for yourself...  more
  • Alice Miles Amie I wish your parents could have been as supportive as mine were when they were told. My wife spoke to my mother and we have since all been out for dinner a few times. They say they just want me to be happy, and that I will always be their child - son...  more