Being accepted as transgendered in British society is an ongoing process, which is sometimes 2 steps forwards and 1 step back and sometimes sadly it is 1 step forward and 2 backwards.
I have been ill with the flu for about a week but I have sort of glanced at things on my Ipad and found out that Jeremy Clarkson wrote a transphobic article in last Sunday's (24th Jan 2016) Sunday Times. Now we all know that Jeremy has form as a racist and a bully...but this is a new low, even for him.
His article, in the Sunday Times, is very sarcastic about us trans folk,
"The media have now decided that we must all feel "sympathy" about people who change their name from Stan to Loretta; after likening us all to "ladyboys" or stagnight assignations he also went on to denigrate trans children and their parents......."
More specifically, he then went on to criticise the parents of transgender children, for “poisoning the minds” of their families, by allowing their children to live their life as their preferred gender.
“[Children] dream impossible dreams. You don’t actually take them seriously. You don’t take them to a hospital when they’re 10 and say, ‘He wants to be a girl, so can you lop his todger off?’”
The man - Clarkson - has been criticized on social media, and rightly so, including requests that Amazon fire him for his views.
The links to Clarkson are here
In addition Richard Littlejohn, the hounder of Lucy Meadows, is back even nastier than Clarkson. He is now accusing us of being "terrorists"or for being responsible for allowing men in burkhas to slip past passport control, because trans people are allowed through. Facts have little to do with reality in Littlejohn's world - like maybe one man in a burkha avoided passport control.Anyone who has been through passport control knows that.
'We've got enough trouble already with male jihadis trying to sneak across borders by disguising themselves under burkas. We don't need long queues at airport security behind men and women who refuse to declare their gender to immigration officials, even though it's bleedin' obvious to a myopic mole in bottle-top bi-focals.'
'You can't say you weren't warned. I've been writing for the past ten years about 'trans' being the next frontier for the diversity warriors.'
'It's been full steam ahead to adapt society in line with the demands of a noisy, belligerent, but minuscule number of people -- with the police and local councils, naturally, in the vanguard.'
'We have now ended up with an official approach which turns nature, reason and common-sense upside down.'
Like Clarkson Littlejohn is a racist, homophobic, transphobic bigot. One lives in the UK, the other lives in a tax exile where he rants at will about a Britain that never existed and is, contrary to both their dinosaur views, becoming more tolerant.
Here is the link which shows both their mysognist, transphobic views
So you may ask - Why have I bothered to write this blog.
We clearly are never going to convince these 2 old farts (both younger than me) that they are out of step in modern Britain.
The key is that all of us transgendered people should be able to protest about their views - either by joining protest votes or refusing to buy the Sunday Times, or to watch Amazon Gear, or looking at the Daily Mail website. There are many ways to protest as Emmeline Pankhurst showed.
Transphobia will always be out there brothers and sisters, and it pays us all to be vigilant. Maybe these two throwbacks meant two steps back...I happen to think its only half a step. Why? Because they are out of step with the society we are living in in the UK. No it is not perfection, irrespective of your political views, but its more tolerant towards transpeople than it was even 5 years ago.
Stay positive.
Pauline xxx
January 29, 2016- -
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January 29, 2016- -
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January 30, 2016- -
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