One Step at a Time

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    Well I'm  not a  person that complains  or laments  about things I  just  take  things Day  By  Day .  It 's been a  long time  since  I  wrote a  blog  here so  here  I  go .   In 2022 I  suffered and  injury to my  left  foot and  I  stepped on  something as  I  was  working  outside my shop . I  did  not  even know that  I  had  even hurt  myself until laker  on in the  evening  when I  removed  my  running shoes .  I  removed my  sock and I  did  not  see anything to  be  concered about but  my  foot  was  sore abit .  So  I  did  what  I thought  was  best and  cleaned  the  small  cut and  I  did  this  for a  few week hoping that  what  I was  doing would heal.  Well  to  make  long story  short  My  foot was  infected and  I  was  admited to Hospital because the  infection  was deep  within the  heal and bone  of  my  foot .  The  Surgeon that  I  seen  had asked that  I  would  give  some  thought to Amputation . So  I  did  and  it  turned  out that I  had the  surgery to save my  life and have my  left  foot  removed . Its  been  one  whole  year  since all this  happened and  its  been  one day  at  a  time and  now one  foot  at  a  time as  well . I ve  done  5  weeks of physio therupy  and Im  still  doing and  extended program until  mid  May .   I'm  very pleased with my  over  all transition and  walking with  a  new phosthic foot  and  Im very  happy  to  still  be cross  dressing  as  well .  I'm  not willing to  just  give  up  I found  that  Karen is  too  much  of a part  of  me to  give  her  up now  or  Ever !  So  just take  what  ever  your  doing  transioning  or  coming  out   one day  or  step at a  time !