I'm just a girl

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    I love to write,I should have taken journalism in college.its great that there are places where you can blog that saves me and feeds my writing needs.
    One of the things I was just discussing was how some people of the male gender just want sex because your mysterious,whatever that means and the other was how some just expect you to be a drag queen.to me we are all born people.Humans.I know that I've been a girl since the day I Was born but lived a very Catholic lifestyle so you can take it from there. Don't get me wrong on the whole drag queen thing.rupaul nuff said.
    But to truly be a woman or a male it's not about sex or just looking sexy for me.heck I just love lace and silk.the way it feels against my skin and how light and free I feel.I hate clothes anyway.lol
    But I will sit around like any normal person in my home in bra and panties sleep pants and a tank top.I do not believe that clothes make the person it's who you are inside.
    So guys yes we love to doll up and we sometimes aren't shy.but we are people and should be treated as such.like a lady not a whore...(not in public anyhow unless the place is right)am I alone in this or is this common.whats your take.I just do what I do and am the person I am ..but I do like to be pretty.
    I believe that there is a huge difference between drag queen and transgender.but I'm sure still having a penis confuses things....lol....feedback anyone.
    Thank you for your love and your friendship.
  • Rachel Maxwell I agree with you Michaela. Although I would extend what you said to genitals as well. It's difficult to get people to understand that Gender != Genitalia. What someone has between their legs shouldn't immediately dictate how people perceive you. We are...  more
  • Mia Wallace drag queens are gays presenting a parody of a woman - a TG is essentially a woman
  • rita clark Gender is between the ears not the legs, Yes there are a lot of men who assume trans girls are easy, but we know who we are and what we want and we can be fussy about everything. We are still the same person we were before we came out. We like cars or...  more
  • Michaela Lynn Thank you all for your input and it seems that there is a common thread.when you said Rita that we still like cars and what not,that's exactly what I mean.I am predominantly feminine but love Professional Wrestling Etc.I know a bunch of Everyday girls...  more