My Top Tips for Sparkle Weekend!!!!

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    ((As ALWAYS with my posts on Transtastic, please don't take any offence. It's said with a smile and a sense of fun!))


    Here is my collected experience transferred into tips for Sparkle Weekend!


    Right now with weeks to go, you should be moisturising..... EVERYTHING!!! Moisturise NOW! Moisturising keeps away those wrinkles, looks after your skin that you will be shaving the ass off and makes make-up go on better. I know a lot of trannies don't moisturise cause it makes their skin shiny - well it's good for your skin and girls do it! AND don't forget knees and elbows need a good moisturise, Ladies!


    And maybe think about buying some stocks and shares in 'Gillette', they are gonna get a sales peak in the next few weeks.


    So... Sparkle is YOUR weekend! So get you girl on, get out and about and even escape the Village in a dress! There'll be trannies everywhere, even outside the Village, so be a girl about it!


    Remember that Manchester, despite being Oop North, still has REAL shops where you can buy things! Forget Stuff? You can go out and buy it. No worries!


    I think my best advice would be 'pace yourself', a lot of hangovers from Friday Night led to grumpy, psychotic, early-night trannies on Saturday last year (and I can do that without a hangover!)





    1. Comfortable Shoes - my first Sparkle, I hit the Village at about 2pm on Friday afternoon in really high heels.... it was another TWELVE hours before I took them off! Heels for twelve hours is gonna hurt.... anyone. And the morning after is gonna hurt too! Mix comfy shoes and heels over the weekend.


    2. Ear Plugs - a bit odd but hotels in the centre of Manchester are very noisy, usually with revellers outside and ALL night. If you want some sleep with a window open, they might help!


    3. Desk Fan - if you're travelling by car then you can take the kitchen sink! A good thing to put in the car 'just in case' is a desk fan. If, and it is an 'if'', if its hot and your hotel has the heating on in mid-July (Grrrrr) then there's nothing worse than sweating as you're putting makeup on! I have gone out and bought a fan at previous Sparkles - if it's hot and sunny, fans will be expensive, if its cold and wet then you'll get a good deal!


    4. Umbrella - it's Manchester!! Water-wings optional. I usually get a few little umbrellas at Tesco that are tiny and fit in a handbag, I usually lose a few too.


    5. Towel - I like a lot of towels and over Sparkle you make take a lot of baths/showers to shave legs and things. Hotel towels can be crappy. I usually book a double or twin room to myself - double the towels!


    6. George Clooney - he looks mature, respectable, treats you like a lady and... Your mum will love him!


    7. Plan - it's a pain if you aren't travelling from home, having to pack EVERYTHING is impossible, plan what to take - from undies to outerwear. Get cracking NOW!


    8. BIG Suitcase - you need to take everything and then add some more, take options for as many outfits as you can!


    9. Shopping - Sparkle is a great excuse to treat yourself. It's also a great time to try new looks - what do you wear during the DAY in town on a summers afternoon? Yes, trannies in daylight! Many only come out at night!


    10.  Medicines - hangover cures, aspirin, migraine tablets (just me?), indigestion tablets (tight corset?), etc, etc




    TOP THINGS I ALWAYS FORGET (and have to dash out and buy!)

    - Toothbrush

    - Shaving foam

    - Make-up remover

    - Nail varnish remover

    - Water


    And finally........ Sinister Safety Things I Always Take (and have never come close to needing!)

    - Tiny Rape Alarm - fits in my handbag outer pocket

    - Form of ID (Drivers Licence) - its waterproof when they find my body in the canal!



    HAVE FUN AND GIVE ME A NUDGE!!!!!!!!! xxxxxxxxxxx