My debut- first time in Public

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    CC's Journey

    CandyCane had planned, bought and hidden lots of clothing and lingerie, saved money, purchased thousands of dollars of sexy cloth and heels, practiced walking in 4" stilettos for the past 8 years, and even learning mannerisms and poses of woman to be as feminine as possible for the day she went out IN PUBLIC for the very FIRST time. This was the weekend if she has the COURAGE?

    The planning included painting her toe nail with fuchsia nail Polish and hiding them in sock for 4 days before her debut all day and all night from her wife! The plan also included an elaborate lie to her wife and 4 adult children knowing if she was caught it could ruin and embarrass his family beyond repair! Her desire to fulfill this dream may be the end of her family forever but, the desire and NEED for her mental well being to be seen in public was OVERWHELMING and she is willing to risk it all for her FREEDOM.....her DEBUT!!!

    She drives 4 hours, stops at a department store an purchases the only item she needed for her debut, a hot pink clutch purse! Of course she has to lie to the sales clerk, "my granddaughter loves pink" and buys the purse. She also buys two bottles of muscoto wine one of her wife's favorites, to calm her nerves and ....if she has a room guest?

    She arrived at the hotel, unloaded 4 suit cases 2 of them full of lingerie, clothing, heels and wigs still not knowing what her outfit would be....she loved several. After what seemed like an hour unpacking, she lays out the sexiest outfit in her arsenal and jewelry for the planned night! She decides on an outfit she had recently purchased...A stretch black mini skirt dress with flair sleeves, her fuchsia 4" wide belt, fuchsia 5" double ankle strapped stiletto heels, fuchsia stick on nails, a pair of hot pink dangle earings and a matching necklace made of conch shell. her lingerie consisted of a pair of nude platex control panty that she purposely bought a size small (she wears size extra large) but she used them to hold her tucked cock and balls in place so they are not visible through her clothing! Over the nude platex panties she plans to wear her hot pink Victoria Secret panties with Fuchsia lace trim!

    Once she unpacked and had her sexy clothing laid out, she went down stairs to have a drink and visit the hotel lobby. She wanted to see who was on duty at the lounge and who was working the front desk. Now to lay out the final part of the plan.......the most important part, tell the bartender she will be coming down stairs as a girl... A Cross Dresser!!!

    At 5pm she meets her bartender, a very handsome blue eyed young man, Brian, Mmmmm could he be part of her fantasy? Candy orders a beer, and the small talk begins....where you from? How long you staying?, tell him! With butterfly's in her stomach she tell "Brian, I have a favor to ask you but I don't want you to be shocked!" He says "Don't worry I've heard almost everything and not much shocks me anymore." "Ok, Brian I am a....a cross-dresser and have never gone out in public. I'd like to do it here...with you! Look at my pictures, as brian looks at the pictures on my phone his jaw drops to the bar saying "is that really you?". He looks at me and says WOW, very beautiful!!! Candy almost starts crying but fights back the tears and blurts out "I want to show you my ID so I'm not embarrassed when I come down dressed as a girl" Brian is just staring at me and after a few seconds finally said " Nah, don't worry about it, I won't card you!" Candy had a smile from ear to ear and got so excited. Candy noticed that She would also have to pass the registration desk! Candy asked Brian if he could tell them my situation. He said "sure Julia is my buddy ill tell her, no problem." I was so happy that went as easy as it did and in two drinks drank my beer and asked for a shot of Amerietto which I love and would help calm my nerves! I told Brian ok here goes nothing and I'd see him in a bit, as i slide off my bar stool...he was so nice and said sure I'll be here waiting for you as I rushed up stairs!

    The room had a sauna tub in the room so I started to filled it with hot, hot water to start the complete body shave. Opened a new pack of razors (women's aloe and gel razors) put two on the tub, laid out her makeup on the sink, and undressed! Once undressed She opened a bottle of muscoto and poured herself a large glass and had a drink and placed it on the tub. Her state of arousal was at its peak and she couldn't keep her hands from fondling Herself.... very hard! While the tub filled she pulled out the fleet enemas she brought and inserted the first and squeezed it filling her tummy. Within a minute the urge to purge came and she sat at the toilet! once that purge had passed she inserted the second enema and squeezed filling her tummy a second time.....a minute and a half this time as she held it as long as possible to insure her cleanliness....yes, it's coming out clear! Now she feels clean inside now for the external cleaning. She climbs into the sauna tub, shampoo's her boy hair and began shaving her face, closer than ever.... doesn't want any stubble. Now her legs, armpits, and genitals both penis and sack. she raises each leg one at a time to the tub edge to shave the crevice of her butt and her butt cheeks and most important her little starfish! Her dream or fantasy was to have a man want her, pick her up and come to her room and make love to her, licking her everywhere especially her ass and she wanted to be clean shaven all over incase she meet the right guy to fulfill that part of her dream!

    hot pink motif so she puts white on upper eye lid, then dark pink on upper portion of eye lid. Now black eyeliner on upper eyelid just above lashes and now on lower eye lid. Careful.... Nice and straight, stretching the skin at corners of eyes now draw the "Cat" lash a bit past ends of eyes and slightly up! Now eyelash curler..squeeze each lash till curled sufficiently, now the other. Now mascara, remember not to cause clumping, one good coat each, now the other, reinsert brush..two pumps, wipe the tip on threaded edge now finish other lash, perfect! Her makeup had never gone on more perfect....a sense of calm has her breathing more calm than ever, could it be the alcohol hitting her now? She takes a big drink of wine, dabs lips with tissue and applies her bright fire engine red lipstick, never could find Fuchsia!

    Now Candy steps back and admires her makeup....she needs her jewelry. She opens clasp on her fuchsia concho necklace and reaches for her matching earrings. Wait... They are pierced earrings and she only has one ear pierced? She has come too far to let this bother her.....she stabs the earring through her skin rather easily and not much she numb? A small droplet of blood appears at her ear lobe but she wipes it with a baby wipe and looks again at herself, perfect!

    Now she steps out of the bathroom, hangs the towel on the hook, standing naked she looks at her outfit, takes a deep breath and lift the dress into the air and brings it down over her head, it is very tight and as she squirms it down over her hips hears the material make small thread tears...careful?? Ahhh, It is on but a small roll of her tummy is visible BUT she is prepared. she had purchased a 4" fuchsia belt to go around her waist...very nice and it hides the little roll she failed to lose in her starvation diet for the past 4 days and 6 months of 2 hour a day workout to be in her best shape possible! Now her rings, one pearl and one opal....she has to remove her wedding ring! For an instant has a feeling of guilt but quickly pulls it off and put it into her army boot so it doesn't get lost, heaven forbid and replaced it with her pearl ring...she wanted a pink stone ring but couldn't find one!

    Now her heels...5" fuchsia heels she has spent many, many hours walking in. She puts the first on, twists her foot back and forth into the heel so there is no pinching or binding at her toes and quickly cinches the two ankle straps, now the other with ease. They look so beautiful on her sexy feet she has manicured for the past 6 months and hidden from his wife with fushia painted toe nails, a tear emerges from her eye as she looks down and sees her legs, so smooth, her feet so pretty and her rings on her finger. Now her wig.....she is really feeling the femininity oozing from her loins, her penis tingling and her scrotum tightening and her anus juices start to leak and gets her so horny! She know she has to control her cock so she lifts her skirt, slides her panties down to her thighs and her cock springs to full erection in an instant! She grabs her shaft knowing it won't take much feeling this HOT and strokes it looking in the mirror, wait her wig! She reaches for the plastic bag it's in, removes the net, takes the wig by the back and lowers her head to the floor. Now slides the wig all the way to the top edges of her ears, flips the long straight hair back, tucks her graying sideburns up into the wig, now smooths the top puffiness down a bit with both hands, grabs the brush and combs the long strands down her arms and shoulders. Now to arrange the bangs...OMG, Candy you are gorgeous she whispers! She wants to cry but stops the surge of tears as her hard cock pulses in the cool air of her room! She looks into the mirror, strokes her cock and within three pumps feels the surge rising up the shaft, uhhhh, uhhhh, uhhhh the hot creamy elixir pulses onto her other hand filling the palm more than usual! Mmmm, It is a good amount of cream and once she milks every drop into the palm of her hand slurps it all into her mouth and savors the flavor, the texture and the sweetness as it oozes down her throat. Mmmmmm, could she end up with a tummy or her ass full tonight? She'd love it....she loves and craves the taste of cum!!!

    Lastly, her nails. She opens two packs of fuchsia stick on nails, peeling off the backing strip, wait! There is a pre wipe she has to clean her nails with first. She opens the pack and wipes each nail with the provided cloth that was soaked, smells like acetone? Now measure each nail to at a time she stick them on until she reaches the last one....DONE!

    Now she feels a bit nervous and walks back and forth in her room taking deep breaths and stops, sits on the bed, grabs the first heel and gives it a twist from side to side to settle her foot into her 5" stiletto and now the other! It's been an hour and a half, it's now or never. She grabs her little clutch purse a little silver clutch she put her lipstick, lips liner and blush with mirror into it with her ID card and debit card, No, Leave the card and take cash. Don't want a paper trail!

    Candy walks to the door, grabs the handle, listens for noise in the hall, opens the door and starts down the hall. "Stand straight, perk your butt out," she says to herself as she approached the elevator. Two women also approach. She presses the down arrow and hears the two women approach and as she enters the elevator they also enter! They continue their conversation but pause as they smell Candy's perfume fill the air. They look up at her as they greet one another..."Hello", "Hello, how are you?" Good, and you all?" she speaks in a whispers to keep her masculine voice low! They look her up and down but Candy stays focused, eyes forward and slides her bangs to one side! As the doors open she steps out into the noisy foyer, men sitting on the veranda drinking beer... They all look her way and she sees Many eye brows rise but she stays focused as two younger men poke each other as she passes very close to them. Now she rounds the corner of the welcome desk and Julia sees Candy as she glides past, her mouth wide open but gives Candy a slight nod of approval as Candy focuses on the bar and her friend Brian! There it is, almost there. There is a man and a woman sitting drinking....the man is focused on the game on TV but the girl in sweats watches Candy walk to a stool, and slides up and crosses her legs. The bartender had his back turned and hears a customer and turns and says "what can I get you young lady?" As their eyes meet he almost takes a step back realizing its HER...gulp its HIM...It's his guest, the CrossDresser! He gets close to the bar and says almost in a whisper "WOW, you look great, I would not have known!" I would have never...uuuhh" he notices the girl is leaning in to hear what they are saying and to not blow Candy's cover leans back and Brian, asks her, "a beer" as he still is staring at her but Candy says "no, "I'll have a glass of your sweetest wine sugar, whatever you have!" The girl takes no time and says "Hello" and Candy says "Hello" in return and the girl says "I'm Jackie" and candy says "I'm Candy" trying to speak as low as possible. Now Jackie is curious looking at Brian, then back at Candy, with a confused look as she hears a more comfortable and manly voice now that Candy has settled in and breathing again! They began small talking and finally Candy tells her in a whisper that she is a male CrossDresser with a big smile! Jackie is fascinated and also says she would have never guessed and she says "WOW, you walked in here with some serious confidence and very feminine!" Candy was ecstatic and had a very big smile on her face. "Can I but you a drink" Candy asked Jackie as she moved closer to Candy and Brian moves in closer to them. He also added "I was surprised as you were Jackie, Candy was here as a guy earlier and told me but I didn't expect her to look this good and we all giggled." I asked Jackie if she could take a few pictures for me and she gladly grabbed Candy's iphone and said to stand up for a picture at the was so fulfilling! After a few minutes of chatting Candy asked Brian if he could take one of her sitting at the bar and without hesitation snapped a shot of her there! He looked at Jackie and said "you should take some of her in the banquet room" and Jackie gladly waved Candy to the banquet room and took several in the room against a smooth wall! Then Jackie wanted a smoke and they both walked outside the bar to the patio area and as Jackie smoked she posed Candy again in a few poses for more sexy pictures. After they re-entered the bar the man who wasn't even paying attention left the bar and we were all alone! The conversation gave Candy so much confidence and they kept saying how courageous she was to do this! Candy told them it was many years leading up to this and thanked them several times during the night for being a part of it! Candy was Feeling so comfortable with Jackie and Brian and even noticed Brian wasn't even charging her for drinks. after a few hours she was feeling any pain and went on to tell them about her start and fantasy to be made love to as a woman! Jackie finally said "She was drawn to my fuchsia heels being a table dancer at a local strip club." She said my legs made the heels so sexy and her flattery lead to an invite to Candy's room, but would she come up? Brian, still checking her out and complimenting her as the night progressed not believing Candy was 51 years old, also gave me the chance as Jackie went outside for anther smoke to tell him my room number... He seemed very interested but again, would he come up? I didn't want to push my luck and Brian even stayed open passed closing at 11pm and it was nearing midnight so I asked for my bill and of course Brian waved me on, "your tab is clear he said" and I winked at him, gave Jackie a hug and slide off my chair and headed down the hall to the elevators! As I approached an older man said good evening with a big smile as I glided past him and as she approached the elevator a big Texas looking man entered with his suitcase! I looked at him with my sultry drunken eyes and said "2 please" as he pressed the button. We rode up in silence but I could see his reflection in the elevator door checking her out, especially my ass and legs, did I dare even look back? Once we got to the second floor, I turned and said "have a great evening" and he replied "you too ma'am" as she left the elevator! She walked to her room, starring at her own reflection in the hall window, WOW She did it and was she HOT, SEXY and so ready for SEX! Why was She alone?

    Once she arrived in her room her arousal again was beyond control and immediately lifted her dress and pulled her panties to one side letting her throbbing cock out!!! It was so hard and Candy wanted some cum, but she wanted it to last...she stroked feeling the rising surge, stop, stop so close. Now she grabs her Iphone and takes a few pictures as she starts the fantastic felling of her hand , Mmmm so ready to cum! She stroked again a few times and this time there is no turning back, the leaking pre-cum oozes out onto her knuckles, she stops, licks it all off driving her crazy as she stroked a few more times and feels the huge surge rising up her shaft, uuuuuuuihhhhhhhh, uuuuuuhhhhhhh it is a huge cum, she slurps half into her mouth, don't swallow, take a picture, gulp it down so she can slurp the rest in her hungry mouth!!!!

    Ahhhhh, at last a good cum, she steps back to her bed and falls onto the soft bed in a satisfied but drunken heap, rubbing her real breasts through her beautiful dress, licking her finger to savor the last drops of her elixir so wishing it was another mans. She knows she has to undress, even though the thought of going to another club is on her mind...don't over do it she says to herself..get undressed! Tomorrow your mistress comes to fulfill your dream of being made love to with a strap on, Mmmmm!

    The next day at 6:30am she awakes after dreams of naughty thought consume every second of sleep..she fills the jacuzzi tub, fill the coffee pot and bathes and shaves her body for the days events! The plan had been discussed in detail by her and her mistress and would be her outing during the day! Once the tub is full she enters, reshaving her entire body especially her anus in preparation for the fulfillment she has wanted for a long, long time.

    Once she is done she grabs a pair of clean nude panties, her leopard patterned heels and her black see through night gown and as time approaches the designated time she sips her coffee with a huge smile on her face remembering the fantastic night she had. The phone rings, her mistress is detained and won't be arriving at the designated time, possibly an hour later??? She decides to lay down and take a nap, the booze from the night before is hitting her and a nap might do her some good! As she drifts into a slumber the phone rings and is not good news, her mistress will not be coming, she is devastated and so disappointed in her, she should have know this was going to happen!!! Never trust anyone anymore, was it for the best?

    The trouble she went to to tell the lies, to chance a total desolation of her life as she once knew it, her trust in the mistress all gone! She should just find a total stranger to take her, to deflower her, to take her virginity! Ok, get over that person, get on with your fantasy Candy, go find a cock or a woman to wear the strap on you painstakingly ordered and hide. Dammit, all that planning gone!!!!

    She crawls into bed for a nap, no food to destroy her clean stomach, she's really not that hungry!

    She awakens at 4:30pm still in a stupor but ready for the night! She lays out a perfectly fitted pair of black dress pants, her white blouse thigh high nude hose, hot pink necklace and matching earrings and of course her fuchsia 4" wide belt!

    She decides to try a shorter wig that's cut into a shag with real hair...beautiful fit, the night is still young!
