judithh clarke

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      This happened many many years ago when i was around 25 years of age,my wife and i used to have a close friendship with another couple jen & john (a few years befor my story we tried swapping didnt really work out but we remained friends) anyway as i said we were still very frieendly and used to go out once or twice a week anyway i digress once again.

    I worked as a packman this was going around houses selling from a catolouge,and we carried quite a few items for people to buy there an then,our best to carry was clothes ladies men & children well this was ideal for me as on home time  i used to drive to dark places on mountain roads as i lived in mountain area and try on some of the gear to have a wank,this was going ok for me as my wife didnt know about my loving to dress.

    We were out with jen & john one night and jen asked could she look though my catalouge to see if ihad any nice dresses as they were going to a works do ,so on the way home we were in our car i handed Jen one cat. and said i would call and pick it up on Tuesday this being Sunday night Well Tuesday came and i calle to Jens around 10o clock she offered a cup  deof tea and showed me what she liked i told her it would be friday when they would be here ok she said so off i went on the way back to our shop to get the order through i glance at the book and choose an extra dress which i fanced myself thinking i would stop fiday night in my moutain place put it on and relief myself mmm i nearly cum in my panties oops did i say i wear panties all the time easy to keep hidden from my wife.anyway all dresses ordered.

    Friday morn came and all parcels were there for delivery i went aronnd my  calls pretty quick it was around 2 i arrived at Jens she let me in and we opened the parcels mmm she said did i order this one,oo i said i looked at the dressses you wanted and thought to myself you would look good in this one its ok if you dont like it  i can return them all no problem..

    Right she said ill try it but i dont think its for me,can you wait make urself acuppa which i did when she returned the dress she picked was a perfect fit showing her hourglass body off to a T mmm i could feel my cock rise mmmm so what do you think very nice babe really suits you ok  ill keep it hang on then i will try the one you fancied wiithin 5 minutes she was out with it on omg she looked just like te model in the cat.my cock was thobbing what your oppinion then i love it Jen youshould have it sory she said cannot afford the two and i do like the one i picked, but she said to me slowly i an see you like it or is that a gun in your trousers tell you what take your clothes off go in the bedrroom, not refusing any chance to dress although i was a little hesitant up i went thinking what is she playing at as i git naked (not a pretty site) she walk in i quickly covered my cock which is not hard to do as ots only 5 inches when hard dont be so coy Jen said John & i av been talking and from what you say and the way you say things we think you like dressing up in female clothes omg i said i hope noone else guesses now said Jen try these clothes on she dressed me in a black silk bra & panties my 5 inches was slid then she to the red dresss off omg again she was wearing a baske susspenders and no bra her tits are 44 g ooo i cum in the panties she ad dressed me in naughty gurl she said got  some tissues and wiped me dry i could not belive what was happening my cock was still hard 1st time ever i had cum and was still hard i useually deflate instantly now she put the dress on me not so good as when she wore it but looking in th mirror i wasnt to bad next from nowhere came a blonde wig mmm now i looked even better but my cock was poking out from the dress ah well Jen pushed me on the bed and said in my ear two girlfriends mmmm she took my dress off and we started playing with each other mmm i was in hravan then to my horrer John came into the bedroom naked with a 8 inch cock come on Judith turn over (thats how i got my naame) and put gel on my  arse and gave ne my 1st fuck as a gurl then we did it side by side anJen sucked my cock and i cum again into her mouth mmm i was in heavan and have been there a few times since when Jen calls for the catalougexx